

Friday, October 1, 2010

BOX :)

I got it Dad!! Thank you so much, it was so fun to open up and see everything. Like Christmas! Haha. Emily was with me when I picked it up from the Accommodation Building so we went back to my room and opened it. I was throwing candy in her face because I had so much of it. And THANK YOU especially for the dill pickles, godess salad dressing, sugary cereal, and gold fish. They don't have any of those things over here. Plus Emily is in love with dill pickles so I made her eat some, she was very very happy. I told her I would be able to feed us for a few months now. And the Halloween lights are really cute too, my rooms is feeling more homey every day now. The honey leaked a little on a few things, I had to rinse the granola bars off haha. Emily took these 2 pictures to show her mom so she'll send a package too :)

My friends and I are organizing a Glee night. For those of you who don't know, Glee is a tv show about a highschool musical club. It is amazing and we all love it! I opened a bank account here with the Bank of Ireland so I can deposit my food stipen checks. Tonight some friends and I are going to Portstewert for dinner and maybe a bar afterwards. Then tomorrow morning we are heading to the Antrim Coast and it should be gorgeous. I'll tell you all about it when I get back.

Granny, your friend Ann Walters send me a letter! It was very nice, but she didn't write a return address on the envelope so I can't write her back. I also need your address, Dad would you write it in a comment please? Thank you. Dad also included fruit Mentos which always remind me of you because you always had them with you when I visited!
Mom, the first picture is of my friends Maureen (middle) and Ericka who are both from Pennsylvania. Maureen is the one I was telling you about, she has a great sense of humor. I hope everyone is doing well! More tomorrow!


  1. Yay, sweetums! Glad the box arrived. BB told me about the dressing and the pickles/cheetos combo:) and helped me pick out the rest. We just picked more-or-less randomly off the shelves, so tell me if there are specific things you miss and we'll send another one! Glad you're doing another weekend trip - I want to see the Giant's Causeway on the Antrim Coast while I'm there. And I agree with BB, it's great that you're doing the crew. Skulling on the River Bann toward the North Sea - pretty darn groovey! Here is Granny's address:
    Granny Holcomb
    608 Tahiti - The Shores
    Granbury, Texas
    Okay, love you sweetums! Don't eat the whole jar of Nutella at one sitting.:)

  2. Yaaaay you got it! That's funny that Emily took the pictures to show her mom....hahaha. Hope it works.

    In 5-10 days you can start looking for something in the mail from me again. :) But look for something small and boxes will be comin from me lol. Oh and by the way, did you know that Dad had no idea what I was talking about when I said lets get fruity mentos in honor of Granny? He has never noticed that Granny sneaks us fruity mints in the backseat of the car after every outing. Hahahhaa....I knew you would get it though.

    Can't wait to see pics from your outing today. I'll be more or less hangin at home this weekend so hopefully we'll be online at the same time.

    Here is Becketts and my address, just in case.... :)

    9641 S 256th Plc
    Kent, WA 98030

    love ya

  3. Yeah! Granny always had them in her big purse when the three of us would squeeze in the back seat :)And I love getting mail!! Thank you sister. Today was really fun but reeally long. And we only saw the Glens of Antrim so it wasn't much of the coast unfortunately.

    Dad I would LOVE to show you the coast and be your tour guide in April! Yay I can't wait! It will be so fun, you will love it.

  4. I gave your address to Laurie and Tootsie so I'll bet you'll see something in your mail box soon.:) Let me know of anything in particular that you want me to send also. It would be fun to pack a box for you. Are you celebrating Halloween with your friends? Costumes? Have fun and love the posts! Keep it up!

  5. Mom, 'keep it up' the Irish would say 'keep her lit'. But in all actuallity it sounds like 'keeperlit' :)

    Yes, Halloween is big here! Costumes and parties, the whole deal.
