

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Essay Shmessay...

Today I been very productive. I went to class all day, got home and cleaned my room very thoroughly, made some food, watched an episode of Glee, and pretty much anything besides my essay that I need to start. I've run out of things to distract myself with, any ideas?

Tonight Siri, Emily and I are getting together to plan a trip to Gallway and the Aran Islands. London isn't going to work out this semester because it was too expensive. I will definitely go in the spring though! Next weekend we might all go to Belfast and do the touristy stuff there...and see Harry Potter!! 2 of my friends are English majors and they worship the Harry Potter series. Dad, I will go again with you when I get home, since its tradition and all :)

Right now I'm living off left over lasagna, ham sanwiches, and this really dilicious cereal I found. But my milk is about to expire, so cereal won't be an option. Haha I'm trying to wait till Saturday to go grocery shopping because there's a free bus that comes- instead of paying to take a taxi.

Thanks Mom and Paula for your Halloween cards! They are hanging up on my wall. Alright, its about time for my skype date. Update you again soon!


  1. Does Irish lasagna have potatoes in it?:) Just start the dang paper! As soon as you click on Word and put your name at the top of that blank screen, the rest will just pour out of your fingertips! Ahaha! I'm really glad you are going to be able to go to the SW of the island. I want to hear all about it (and I'm not going to do any research:)! Make Alex stay up all night his time, instead of you staying up all night your time. (or not, none of my business:) I had that same thought about Harry Potter - Wait! You can't go to London to see it, you have to see it with me like the 6 others! Ha! We can see it over Christmas.:) Okay, Skype you soon, sweetie.

  2. Essay Schmessay....what a Holcomb. I thought you could go to the dining hall anytime you want to get meals. You make it sound like you're gonna starve soon...

    I read this as a subtle hint to family members who's job it is to support you that you need another goody package, lol. am i right??

    This morning I didn't have school (veteran's day) so I met mom for coffee and we went through all the family paintings she has in storage down in your room. We took pictures of everything to show Padget and other people to see what she might like for her new house. There were several things that mom let me bring over to my house too! I'll tell you about them later...and you if you want to argue over them when you get back we can do that ;)

    Another thing on my list to do today is to finally send you your letter!!! Aaah its been in my bag for 5 days. :) Then i can tell you its actually on the way....

    I LOVE YOU. Maybe I'll catch ya on skype soon! And by the way, dad's right, just open word and put your heading at the top and you'll feel fine :)

  3. They don't have a dining hall here! I'm all on my own. But its ok, I will survive. I'm waiting on my other meal stipened check to come in a week! And Mom can't give all the paintings away, I want a couple of them too! And I can't wait for your letter, I'll be looking for it.

  4. Yeah, well, whether you were fishing for another CARE package or not, one is on the way!:) Hard drive (620 gig it was cheap) and a few edible things, too.

  5. Awesome! Thanks Dad. So tonight I watched the movie 'Taken' and it reminded me of you. It's actually a stressful movie but it's actiony and exciting. It's about how this guys daughter goes on a trip to Paris and gets kidnapped and he has to find her with the clues she gives him. Pretty cool...and sad...but it has a good ending :) Also, what is Kim's email address?

  6. Yes, I remember when that movie came out - I can't watch movies like that, it's too horrific to think about. Kim:

  7. Hope your essay is shaping up nicely. I think it's great that you have a block of time to devote to the writing... but yes, it's always difficult to begin, isn't it. And amazing how many OTHER things one can find to do, when procrastinating about something else. :)

    Hope you do get to the magical island of Arran, in the Firth of Clyde. Is that the same one you're talking about? I could see it from Ayrshire when I was in Scotland, but didn't get there.

    Stay warm, have fun, enjoy eloquence with the essay, and let us know how it's going.
    Love & hugs!
